Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Letter to the Editor RE: "Rare Hits and Heaps of Misses to Pay For" -- NY Times

Mr. Wade criticizes California for placing such a large bet on stem cell research at the potential expense of other research efforts. Government regulation and funding are, to some extent, tied to the public's understanding of science, including their misconceptions and/or misapprehensions. These errors in conventional wisdom are often fueled by instances of misrepresentation or unwarranted hyperbole in the news and entertainment media. The Science TImes however, and Wade in particular, more often than not reflect a more balanced science journalism. Rather than tout every preliminary result as a monumental breakthrough, as many of his colleagues might do, Mr. Wade has consistently tamped down the hype, particularly when reporting on stem cells. Perhaps with better communication between science and the media, and more journalists like Mr. Wade, we might have less egregious use of funds and better regulatory oversight of basic science research.

Dov Greenbaum JD PhD & Mark Gerstein, PhD

Unpublished letter in response to:
"Rare Hits and Heaps of Misses to Pay For"
BY Nicholas Wade, November 9, 2010, New York Times

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